Managing Partner
JUDr. Gerta Sámelová Flassiková
Languages: English, Russian and Italian
Gerta is the managing partner in the law office
alianciaadvokátov ak, s.r.o., founded in 1991 initially as a consortium, and
since 2006 the law office has operated as a limited liability company.
Previously, she worked in the law office Flassik&Flassiková&Bacho&Valentová.
She worked as head of the legal team in several privatizations in water transport
and the chemical industry. For several years she has been active in the field
of energy. Together with her colleagues she prepared the laws on energy, and
worked as a consultant for the Natinal property Fund, Ministry of Economy, Regulatory
Office for Network Industries, SEPS, as well as early stage unbundling of
distribution companies. She has worked for many local and international clients
in the automotive, food and clothing industry. In this context, she has been
involved in mergers, acquisitions and related legal due diligence.
Recently, she has been focusing mainly on the area of real estate and
construction law in respect of legal advice to several local and foreign
developers. She has also provided legal advice in connection with PPP projects.
She worked as a legal advisor for the company Doprastav, a.s. for the member of
the consortium in relation to the construction of motorways and expressways in
Slovakia, namely with the granting of concessions for construction works.
In 2008, she worked on the position of legal professional within the
consortium, which provided advice to the Ministry of Health of SR in the
project – Providing services in connection with projects in health care
appropriate to the implementation of a PPP.
She also deals with franchising, both on behalf of the franchisor as well as on
behalf of the franchisee.
In the above-mentioned areas she has been focusing on a complex contractual agenda.
During her many years of legal practice she has represented clients before the
courts in litigation in commercial, civil and labour law.
Within her publishing activities she has been
focusing on writing professional articles in commercial journals
such as Slovak Spectator and Trend.
She also contributed to publications in European Current Law in the years
2006-7, issued by publisher Sweet & Maxwell.
She is co-author of the publication World Intellectual Property Rights and
Remedies issued by Oceania and Oxford University Press.
Education: Faculty of Law, University of Comenius in Bratislava
Training: Institute of International Law IDLI, Roma – 1994, 1998
Membership of professional organizations:
- Slovak Bar Association
- International Bar Association
- European Association of Lawyers
Phone:+421 2 5710 1313

Attorney at Law, Partner
Mgr. Ján Voloch
Languages: English, French, Czech, Slovak
Jan is a partner in the law office alianciaadvokátov ak, s.r.o. and has been operating here since the year 2004. His legal practice started in 2002, i.e. from his graduation at the Faculty of Law, University of Comenius. He practiced as a trainee lawyer from 2002 to 2005 and since 2006, after passing the bar exams, he has practiced as an attorney at law.
In his law practice Jan has been focusing on representation before the courts in commercial law, civil and labor disputes. Among other things, continuously since 2008, he has been providing legal counselling for one of the largest international companies operating in the wholesale area. Popular clients are also numerous domestic entrepreneurs in the field of international and domestic freight forwarding.
A particular area of legal services which is special to Jan is pharmaceutical law, particularly regarding pharmaceutical companies manufacturing original medicinal products and distributors of medicinal products and medical devices. Legal advice in the area of pharmaceutical law includes the regulatory law, labeling and advertising of medical products and medical devices, categorization and pricing, obtaining authorizations for handling medicinal products and aspects of clinical testing of medicinal products.
Since 2009, Jan Voloch has been acting as a trustee according to Act No. 8/2005 Coll. on Trustees and on amendments to certain acts as amended, so he is intensely devoted to bankruptcy and restructuring law in all its aspects, theoretically and practically, from the position of the trustee as well as from the position of the lawyer representing clients in exercising their rights in bankruptcy or restructuring proceedings.
Jan was previously also involved in international transactions and privatization processes, which assist in the preparation of energy legislation for the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic and the Regulatory Office for Network Industries.
Education: Faculty of Law, University of Comenius in Bratislava
- Institute of Education for Trustee of the Slovak Republic from 10 April 2008 to 7 June 2008, successfully completed the trustee exam on 17 June 2008 and 18 June 2008 before the examining board of the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic.
- Regular participation in training events organized by the Association of Trustees of the Slovak Republic.
Membership of professional organizations:
- Slovak Bar Association
- Association of Trustees of the Slovak Republic
Phone:+421 2 5710 1313

Attorney at Law
Mgr. Peter Nágl
Languages: English, Italian, Czech, Slovak
Peter joined the law office alianciaadvokátov, s.r.o. as a junior lawyer after graduating from the Faculty of Law of Comenius University in Bratislava in 2010.
Since October 2014 he has cooperated with the law firm as an associate attorney.
He has been focusing on representing clients before the courts in the context of litigation, commercial law and corporate law, civil law, pharmaceutical law and legal issues related to international freight forwarding.
During his practice in the law office alianciaadvokátov, s.r.o. he has also dealt with judicial and extrajudicial debt recovery, labour law, international civil aviation law, bankruptcy law and sports law.
A significant part of Peter’s practice has been carried out for English and Italian speaking clients and he communicates with them in these foreign languages.
Education: Faculty of Law, University of Comenius in Bratislava
- International Legal English Certificate (British Council)
- General state exam of Italian language (bilingual Italian section of the Grammar School, Ladislava Sáru Street, Bratislava)
- International Scientific Conference of PhD students and young scientists Milestones law in Central Europe: Amnesty and crimes against international law
- International Scientific Conference of PhD students and young scientists Milestones law in Central Europe: Theological view on the Institute of Amnesty
Membership of professional organizations: Slovak Bar Association

Attorney at Law
JUDr. Jana Bačeková
Languages: English, German, Slovak
Janka has been working in the law office alianciaadvokátov ak, s.r.o. from October, 2013. Since November 2019 she has cooperated with the law firm as an associate attorney.
She has been focusing on representing clients before the courts in the context of litigation, civil law, commercial law and corporate law, pharmaceutical law and legal issues related to financial intermediation. As part of her practice, she actively participates in the preparation of contracts and legal analysis in the English language in various legal areas.
During her practice in the law office she has also dealt with the field of the consumer protection and she actively used her experience in representing clients in court proceedings.
Currently she also specializes in the field of air transport and significant part of her practice has been carried out for English clients.
Within her legal practice she represented clients in extrajudicial negotiations as well as in execution proceedings, bankruptcy proceeding and court proceedings, particularly in the area of commercial and civil law.
Education: Pan-European University, Faculty of Law
Training: Certificate of national education – English language
Publications: Within her publishing activities she participates in e-counselling for the weekly magazine Trend
Memberships of professional organizations: Slovak Bar Association

Attorney at Law
JUDr. Petra Benková
Language: Slovak, English
Petra has been working in the law office alianciaadvokátov ak, s.r.o. since 2015. Since November 2019 she has cooperated with the law firm as an associate attorney.
During her practice she has been focusing on the areas of commercial, civil, labour and corporate recovery & insolvency laws – she has represented the trustee in bankruptcy proceeding, she has cooperated in assertion of claims within restructuring, bankruptcy and judicial proceeding.
She has represented clients in law suits, particularly in the area of commercial and civil law. She has prepared relevant contract documentation, she has cooperated in communication with foreign partners of clients and she has prepared extensive analysis. She also specializes in the field of air transport.
At present she specializes in the areas of commercial, civil, corporation and corporate recovery & insolvency laws.
Education:Pan-European University, Faculty of law
Courses: Cambridge English – ILEC
Within her publishing activities she participates in e-counselling for the weekly magazine Trend
Membership of associations: Slovak Bar Association

Attorney at Law
Mgr. Peter Voloch
Languages: English, Czech, Slovak
Before establishing his legal carrier as attorney in law, Peter gained legal experiences working on different positions in state administration (Ministry of Justice of the Slovak republic, Council for Broadcasting and Retransmission as the Head of Legal and Controlling Department of the Office of Council), as well as in the banking sector in different Slovak banks and company belonging to bank group and in other commercial companies, which gave him valuable legal experiences in special aspects of administrative law, criminal law, execution law, commercial and corporate law, banking law, management and collecting of receivables.
On November 2003 he successfully passed Attorney at Law Exams in the Slovak Bar Association.
Peter established his independent legal practice as Attorney at Law since September 6th, 2007 with his registered seat at address: Čáčovská 305, 905 01 Senica, being registered in the List of Attorneys at Law by Slovak Bar Association under licence No.: 5751.
During his legal practise as Attorney at Law he has been focusing on different fields of commercial and corporate law, civil law, management and collecting of receivables (for the daughter company of a foreign bank, which collected receivables transferred from a Slovak bank, administering all kinds of legal agenda, including Bankruptcy and Restructuring, Voluntary Auctions, Execution Proceedings etc.), including legal representation of clients before courts in the context of litigation.
Peter is also an experienced criminal defence lawyer, specialising in legal defence of clients in criminal cases at courts of all instances and at other State Authorities acting in Criminal Proceeding, regularly and repeatedly appointed as an ex-offo Defence Attorney at Law by the District Court Senica since 2010.
During his practice he has also dealt with administrative law including the legal representation of clients at courts in Administrative Judicial Proceeding, labour law, family law (divorces, alimonies, childcare) and constitutional law, successfully representing clients at Constitutional Court of the Slovak republic regarding the breach of their constitutional rights (e.g. right to judicial protection etc.).
A significant part of Peter’s practice has been carried out for English speaking clients and he communicates with them in English language.
Education: Faculty of Law, University of Comenius in Bratislava, from 1992 till 1997.
Training: Academy of Education from 1998 till 2001 – Certificate in Advanced English (CAE)
Membership of professional organizations: Slovak Bar Association

Off Counsel
JUDr. Martina Gajdošová
Languages: English
studied law at the Faculty of Law, University of Comenius in Bratislava and she
also studied at Philosophical Faculty University of Comenius in Bratislava,
specialization History and Archives. She
completed her doctoral studies between 2002-2005 at the Faculty of Law, Trnava
University in Trnava.
She worked in the law office alianciaadvokátov ak, s.r.o. as a junior
lawyer from 2000 to 2002 and she still cooperates closely with
alianciaadvokátov ak, s.r.o.
Martina has been operating since 2010 as a vice-dean
for full-time bachelor and master studies and social care at the Faculty of
Law, Trnava University in Trnava. Since 2007 she has been working as a lecturer
at the Department of Theory of Law and Constitutional Law at the Faculty of
Law, Trnava University in Trnava.
Since 2011 she is a member of the working group for the history of advocacy of Slovak
Bar Association.
In January 2016 she successfully completed
habilitation and habilitation lecture at the Faculty of Law, Trnava University
in Trnava.
Currently she has been focusing on the areas of the theory of law, freedom of
association rights, history of advocacy and professional associations of legal
- Faculty of Law, University of Comenius in Bratislava
- Faculty of Law at Trnava University in Trnava
- Philosophical Faculty, University of Comenius in Bratislava, specialization History and Archives
- First women in the Slovak Advocacy
- Associations and the right to freedom of association
Publications in legal journals:
Komorní listy: From candidate attorneys to first attorneys in Slovakia
Právník: First women in legal education in Slovakia in the Czechoslovak Republic in the period 1918 – 1938
Bulletin slovenskej advokácie:
- Breaking the principle of personal legal profession
- Advertising in the exercise of the legal profession
- First women in advocacy in Slovakia
- Organisation of Advocacy is truly in the hands of lawyers
Justičná Revue: Associations and judicial protection
Psychológ medzi právnikmi: Protection of the right to freely associate in associations
Other publications:
- Chapters of the history of Advocacy in Slovakia
- Profession is a gift and mission

Junior Lawyer
JUDr. Denisa Nagyová, LL.M.
Languages: English, Spanish, Slovak
Denisa joined the law office alianciaadvokátov ak, s.r.o. as a junior lawyer in 2017. Before that she worked as a lawyer and compliance manager in a pharmaceutical company in Slovakia. From 2014 until 2016 she worked in the Cartels division of the Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic. After completing her studies she did an internship in the European Commission and in a law firm in Brussels.
At the moment she specializes in competiton law, pharmaceutical law, data protection, commercial law and labour law. She also participates in the preparation of contracts and legal analysis in English.
She has also practiced international and european trade law, especially WTO law and antidumping.
- Faculty of Law at Comenius University in Bratislava
- LL.M. Programme in International Economic Law and Policy at University of Barcelona, Spain
- Online Master Programme in Spanish Law at University of Salamanca, Spain
- Erasmus Programme at University of Ghent, Belgium
Courses: Cambridge Diploma of Higher Education in an Introduction to English and European Union Law
Memberships of professional organizations: Slovak Bar Association

Junior Lawyer
Mgr. Peter Hreha
Languages: Slovak
Peter has been working in the law office alianciaadvokátov ak, s.r.o. as a junior lawyer since 2019.
During his university studies he worked as a legal assistant in several law offices where he acquired practical skills in civil and commercial law.
Currently he specializes in the fields of litigation, commercial law, corporate law and civil law.
Within his legal practice he represents clients in extrajudicial negotiations, court proceedings and execution proceedings.
Education: Pan-European University, Faculty of Law
Memberships of professional organizations: Slovak Bar Association

Office Assistant
Mgr. Jana Šilhár Konrádová